

2018 show season

The dust has FINALLY settled! The 2018 trade show season has come to end for Rahfish.  We attended the Toronto Spring Fishing and Boat Show, and the Toronto Sportsmen’s Show, which were both held at the International Centre in Mississauga, ON.

We have attended these shows for 6 years now, and each year they just keep getting better and better!  The familiar faces we see each year, as well as meeting new people who have never heard of the brand is something we look forward to each year.  It is always humbling to speak to so many anglers who truly appreciate what Rahfish stands for.  Your continued support, shows us just how important it is to see a local brand succeed!  The Rahfish brand is all about YOU and it would not be here if it wasn’t for your support!

Moving in 2018, Rahfish continues to grow its retail distribution with some new stores coming on board.  As always, those stores will be announced on Instagram and Facebook once we get the go ahead.

Our collection will continue to change and grow throughout the 2018 season, just as it does each year.  Our current collection boasts the largest selection of headwear and hoodies than ever before.  Selection, along with quality, is key to this brand, as we know that is what you expect!

The next few weeks for the brand is jam packed!  Product development, setting up our new retail locations and in-store sale support has made for a full schedule.

We also look forward to the social media scene to pick up, as we are always keeping an eye out for your fish catches!  Make sure to check us out on Instagram and Facebook, and don’t forget to tags us #rahfish.

That’s it for now! You are updated!  Good fishin this Spring!